Saturday, December 11, 2010
Easter Fun!
On April 4 2010, we woke up Easter morning to a white yard! It snowed! Crazy!
But inside the house it was a day full of celebration! The kids baskets were full of fun toys from the Easter Bunny. Nicole got sandals she could wear in the snow to church!
Tyler got a BYU shirt and books.
Sara got sandals and a Miley Cyrus CD.
Ben finally woke up to see his basket. He was so excited to get his very own baseball bat.
After we opened baskets, we got ready for church. It was a nice day. Then we went to Grandma and Grandpa Lemon's house. They get the kids a basket of surprises as well. Nicole was so excited to get a Zhu Zhu pet.
Sara got this darling shirt.
Ben got the movie Curious George. He was so excited and acting silly.
Tyler got Zhu Zhu pets as well. After we opened baskets we had our Easter Egg hunt, but this year it was indoors.
Thanks Grandma and Grandpa for making it a fun day!
Neighborhood Easter Egg Hunt
On April 3rd 2010, we had our annual Neighborhood Easter Egg hunt. It was a lot of fun, even though it was cold and snowing. Tyler was the first one out of the gate.
Sara found an egg! Good job Sara only 2 more to find!
Tyler found his eggs, and now the snow begins to fall.
Nicole finding eggs!
Ben didn't want to find eggs this year. So after the hunts, we meet in our garage and had donuts and hot chocolate. It was a great turn out even though the weather wasn't the best.
Easter Egg time
On April 1st 2010, we celebrated Easter at Preschool. Ben, Christian, and Ashlee make Easter Baskets and then went and found Easter eggs. They had a great time!
Ben showing off his Easter Eggs!
That night we decorated Easter Eggs as a family. We had a fun time.
The kids got the rubber bands out and had a fun time making cool designs.

Making Brownies
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Logan Dance Competition
On March 27th we headed up to Logan for a dance competition. Last minute Lisa Turner decided to come with us. It was so fun having her come. We were going to stay at one hotel there, but Lisa had connections to get a free hotel with Marriot so that is what we did. It was so nice. This is Nicole, Sara, and Lisa on the comfy beds.
Then we went to dinner at Sizzler. It was yummy!

Then the girls decided to take a swim. If there is ever a swimming pool my kids HAVE to get in.
Nicole with her friend Addie. She is on Nicole's dance team.
The next morning we were off to the Stadium for the competition. Sara was all ready for Girls Just Want to Have Fun!
Nicole and Sydnee pose in there Its my Party costumes.
Sara performing. She did a great job!

Addie, Nicole, Sydnee, and Jade are back stage getting ready to perform. After they performed we went and had lunch at Subway, shopped around since we had a 4 hour break. Sara performed a lyrical dance. She did way good!
Haylee, Sara, Matti, and Jessica in the dressing rooms.
Sisters love to dance and hang out together.
Nicole in Witch Doctor. She did a great job. She was a little nervous going out on stage. After it was over, she came up to me mom we just danced for 100 people! It was really about 500. I would have been nervous as well.
After Nicole finished Witch Doctor it was off for home. It was a great day of dancing!
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Sara's school program
March Madness-St. George 2010
On March 19th we went to St. George to watch Tyler play in a baseball tournament. It was so much fun. They played so well. His team is sponsored by APX alarm company.
Sara and Nicole in the hotel. We stayed in a hotel in Mesquite because we couldn't find anything in St. George. Which this worked well for our Thursday games, because they were in Mesquite.
Tyler and Ben acting silly.
Thursday, Tyler played in two games. The first game they barely lost.
Tyler pounded the ball hitting. Way to go buddy!

After Ty's games, we hit the pool. We had it to ourselves. Ben is starting to be silly and loves making crazy faces for the camera.

Tyler was worn out, but it was time to leave. So Ben took the liberty of trying to wake him up.
Friday morning we went hiking before Tylers games. We love hiking the red rocks in St. George.

This is a narrow slot that kids were climbing through.
Nicole and Ben decided they wanted to give it a try and go through the slot. So the rest of us, hiked around to the end of the opening. Nicole made it through with no problem, but Ben feel and was bleeding so he gave up half way in and just cried. Luckily there was a skinny teenage girl who rescued him. Or we would have been in trouble.

There they go. It was a lot longer than what it looks.
That evening we went and watched Tyler play. APX won both of their games. The games were great!
But it was so cold! His second game lasted until 9 p.m. and we had so many blankets and coats on it was crazy. But I guess I should have realized it still is March. I had packed a bunch of blankets, but Craig took them out of the van, so luckily others on our team and plenty to share.
Tyler getting his makeup on for the game.
After the game it was meeting time to review how they did. Because Tylers team only lost one game, they made it into the tournament on Sat. They played a team from Spanish Fork called Extreme. They are an amazing little team. We lost, but gave it a good effort.
Since we finished the tournament early, we decided to go to a park and play a little before heading home. Our friends told us about this cool park. We had a riot.

After the park, we went and ate at Chilli's and then we were off to home. It was a fun little family vacation.
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