Wednesday, April 29, 2009

A terrible, horrible,no good, very bad day

Monday was a Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day. We were awoken by the doctors at 6:30 a.m. doing their rounds. Sara did not want to have anything to do with them. She was dizzy, and hurting and tired. They left her be, but reminded her she had to have another MRI around 9 a.m. While we waited for her MRI, we talked, I rubbed her hand, and played on the computer reading different emails people had sent. Her nurse for the day was Roni, who was an older women who had a very calming sense about her. She let Sara rest until 8:30 when they had to check her vitals and get her ready to have another MRI.

Sara told her she didn't want to have an MRI, and started flipping out. Her IV was bothering her, and she then started saying how she hated every cord, cathader, and machine she was hooked up to and just wanted to go home. Roni let her get upset, agreed with her and how she was feeling, and when Sara finished spoke very calmly to her letting her know why she had to have another MRI. Sara agreed to get it done.

They rolled Sara downstairs in the bed, and when we got to Radiology, they had to move her to a new bed. Well Sara did not want to move, or have anyone move her. She started kicking, and yelling at the nurses. One nurse told another that she was very combative and that they needed to get some valium in her before they could sedate her for the MRI. Once the 5 plus nurses moved her, and put her under for the MRI, I went and ate breakfast.

Nicole's school class was going to the Zoo that morning and so my mom took my place at the zoo and took Ben with her as well. The night before she left her camera at the hospital and so she stopped in with beautiful flowers and so she could get her camera. Ben was screaming in the car when he saw me, and was upset he couldn't stay. My mom offered to stay at the hospital but I knew I had to be with Sara. So off they went to have a great time at the Zoo. It was cool outside, but not stormy like it had been days earlier.

While I was waiting for Sara to wake up, I decided to go get ready for the day. When I got back downstairs to the recovery room she was still out. Another mom was there with her child and so I asked why she was there. She told me it was for a routine check up, and then she asked me what was wrong with Sara. Immediately tears filled her eyes, and she just told me how sorry she was. When Sara finally woke and we were ready to wheel her back to her bed, the lady told me good luck with such heart felt words, it made me tear up. It is amazing what strength people can give to you when you are having trials, even people that don't know you. We have been blessed in so many ways, and I know God is watching out for us.

When we got to the room Sara was still not very happy and didn't want to eat, drink, or have anybody touch her. Sara kept asking me about her friends, and what about school, and how was she going to be able to make up all the homework she was missinig. She was stressing herself out and so I knew I had to get intouch with her teacher and have her tell Sara not to worry. She would listen to her. While I was dealing with her Craig was at RC Willey on the phone with the insurance company making sure everything was preauthorized, calling doctors, and making sure everything was going to be taken care of. His mind was not at RC Willey. It was on Sara, insurance, the kids, and everything else you could think of. When he was at home, his mind was thinking about RC Willey, Road Runner, Sara, etc. His mind was going crazy, and it was hard for him to concentrate on anything.

After Sara was in her room, the optamologist stopped by to see Sara. She was still sleeping and so he came back a while later. She still wasn't up so he came back after lunch. Around 1 p.m. my mom and Ben stopped by to give Sara a polar bear stuffed animal, and lets just say I have never in all my life seen my daughter act the way she was acting. I felt helpless, my mom didn't know what to say or do, so she left with Ben, Roni came in and tried to get Sara to feel comfortable but nothing seemed to help. I felt like I was living a nightmare. Sara is usually so calm and I was watching a monster take over my child's body. Snow Slade (the optamologist) came in for a third time, but Sara would not let him do anything to her. I was embarrassed, because of the way she was acting. So he said he would try again tomorrow.

Her hand was swelling from the IV and so the nurse had to bring in the IV team. She went nuts! Screaming at everyone, telling them to leave her alone. While this was happening my phone and the hospital room phone was ringing every minute for a good 10 to 15 minutes. The few times I answered I told the people I would call them back, and I am sure they were taken back by the tone in my voice, because the calls were coming in at the worst possible time. The IV team ended up being able to save the IV and not have to poke her again, but I have never in my life heard her yell like she was. As the IV team left, I saw outside Jeff and Kristie Hansen waiting to come and visit.

They stood outside the room listening to Sara scream and I am sure were feeling very hesitant to come in, but how grateful I am for their visit. They brought in such a sweet spirit into the room which I know Sara felt as well, because she immediately calmed down. She stayed calm unless we spoke about IV's, which we changed that subject very quickly, and they helped take her mind off the dizziness and pain she was feeling. They gave Sara a frog webkinz which she held the rest of the day. This comforted her so much!

Roni and Syd the nurse pracitioner came in after the Hansen's left to examine Sara. Syd was surprised the cath was still in and asked me if I wanted it to be taken out. I responded no. If she moves she throws up, she is fiesty, and in so much pain. So Syd decided to order Sara a steroid pill of some sort. Roni brought the steroid to Sara and told me that in four hours Sara will be back to herself. The medicine works fast, helps with the swelling in the brain, and the dizziness. Roni had taken the medicine before and told Sara it was nasty tasting and so she ordered her an Oreo shake to take the medicine with. Sara took the pill and fell asleep.

While she slept I just sat there feeling so helpless, thinking there was no possible way we would ever leave this hospital this week. While she slept, she got a delivery from her school class- a plant and a get well balloon. What a sweet thing for them to do. I knew this would comfort her and so hopefully she would relax and not worry about what she was missing at school. I returned phone calls, emailed people and read the bood Princess Academy.

Shift changed, and we got Nikkie as her nurse. By this time I was starving, because I hadn't had much to eat because I didn't dare leave Sara earlier, but she had calmed down so much I hurried and ran downstairs to grab something to eat. When I got back from the cafeteria I opened the door to her room and immediately she flipped. Mom you stink like spaghetti. Stay out! So I hurried in the room and stayed as far away from her as I could. I felt bad I made her sick by the smell, but she was right on. I did eat spaghetti. If anyone came in smelling like food she immediately put her blanket to her nose. While I sat in my corner, I called Craig to see how things were going. Tyler was playing in his first baseball game of the season and Craig was letting me know what was happening. Ty played first base, pitched, and short stop. He hit, got beaned, and walked twice. Ryan took over 2oo pictures of the game and emailed me the best ones, so atleast I got to feel some what part of the action. While I was on the phone, Sara asked around 8 p.m. if I would turn on the t.v. I was shocked! She watched Disney for a couple of hours until she started feeling dizzy again and fell asleep. Wow! Roni said this pill would make her start feeling better, but I guess I didn't realize what a miracle drug it truly was.

Around midnight,Sara woke up crying, because her arm was hurting so bad. When the nurse looked at her hand it looked like a balloon. She said she would have to have the IV team come in and take a look. Sara looked at her with the saddest expression and pleaded with all of her heart to Nikkie, begging her just to take out the IV, to not put a new one in, and promised she would drink fluids. Nikkie was a bit hesitant, but agreed to take it out, but warned Sara if she didn't drink they would put another one in.

About 1 a.m. Sara was complaining again about her cathedar. I got the nurse, and Sara informed her, she wanted it out. I told Sara that she would have to get out of bed to use the bathroom. Sara said, fine I will. Take it out. So she did. Sara immediately needed to use the bathroom so they brought her in a chair to go the bathroom on. It took her a while but we got her up on it, without throwing up, and she felt much better. She was starting to feel a bit better, because she realized how bad she was smelling. She wanted to smell like home, and so we put her in her p.j.'s since she had NO cords attached to her any more, and I rubbed smelly lotion on her to help her feel like a human again. She woke up two more times during the night to go to the bathroom.
But other than that she slept like a baby.

It is so nice to see her without cords and starting to act normal again.

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