Monday, June 8, 2009

Powder Mountain

Memorial Day Weekend at Powder Mountain....

Our friends the Linde's invited us to go up to Powder Mountain with them to stay at their 3 bedroom condo. Since the kids and I weren't doing anything because Craig had to work long hours, I decided that we might as well go. It had been warm weather, and so in my mind I was thinking we would go hiking, swimming, and more hiking. But I am a geek and forgot that Powder Mountain is at the tip top of Ogden Canyon, so when we got there we discovered there was still lots of snow, and it rained almost the entire time. But we still had a BLAST!!!

We went swimming at least 2 times each day, played a lot of ping pong and basketball. And when it wasn't raining we went on walks. Sara had to make a log cabin for school and so we also collected tons of branches and then started glueing the cabin together.

We ate tons and tons of food, watched movies, and played games. There was never a dull moment. Ben and Ashlee were tired after the 2nd time we went swimming for the day, and decided they needed popcorn, bottles, blankies, and a movie.
We had a special friend who came to visit at night. The kids would wait each night to see if he would come. They named him Joe. The last night we fed the racoon a roll. The kids were sad that it was going to leave so we fed it a few more. What a fun time we had.

1 comment:

Jodi Gallagher said...

What a fun trip! I love getting away with the kids. Looks like everyone had fun!