Sunday, June 7, 2009

This is the Place Monument

On May 22nd, Sara and her school mates traveled to Salt Lake to This is the Place Monument.
Because of the noise, smells, etc. Sara wasn't able to ride on the bus, so I took her up in the van.
We followed the first bus up to Salt Lake, so we made sure we were at the right location. The second bus had her class on it, and so when they got off the bus, one boy ran up to Sara so excited that we had made it. He told me, I kept looking for your car and couldn't find you and so I thought you were lost. How sweet is that!
Sara with her friends Lexie and Maddie after they got off the bus.
When we got to the park, we were split up into groups by teachers. We all went to the same places but at different times. Sara's class first went to the dance hall where they learned the Virginia Rail.
They had a lot of fun dancing, even though they had to touch the boys hands! Yuck!
Drew and Sara walking to their next location.
Sara in front of the barn on her way to the public school.
Sydney B., Maddie, Lexie, Sara, Drew, and Sydney A. taking a small break. As we took the picture in the distance we heard the bell stating they had to hurry because school was starting.
They found their seats in the school house. They were taught a few things and were surprised on what the kids had to do so that they were able to attend school. They even were shown what would happen if someone got in trouble. It was a good eye opening experience for them all.
The class taking a break before they had a turn at pushing a hand cart a quarter of a mile.
Sara and Sydney A. pulling the hand cart, while the boys helped push from the back.
After seeing the black smith shop, we took the train on a tour to see the rest of the city. We saw the Indians, Brigham Young's house, the hospital, and many other neat buildings.

After lunch we had a few minutes to spare before we had to go home, so the girls started playing, Little Sally Walker. 1 person is in the circle walking around while the other girls clap and chant the song. The person in the middle at a certain point makes up a short dance, probably 5 or 6 counts in front of someone in the circle, who then copies the dance and is then the one who is in the circle walking around and dancing. Sara doing her dance while Lexie watches to copy her.
The boys were intrigued with what the girls were doing and pretty soon there were 10 or more watching, so I told the girls to let them join in. This is when the fun really began. I was laughing so hard at the boys and there funny dance moves. It was great!
Dalton showing off his moves.
Now it is Evans turn.
Sara in front of the monument before going home.
It was a fun day!

1 comment:

Jodi Gallagher said...

What a fun field trip! I haven't been there in years! Guess I'll have to take the kiddos!