Sunday, December 20, 2009

Cousins and Cookies

On December 12th, it was Sara's turn to pick #12 on the countdown, and her slip read: Make and decorate sugar cookies. So that is what we did that night, even though I had 10 little ones and Craig was at work. It was a lot of fun. Christian, Sammie, Sara, and Chey LOVE decorating.
Nicole, Sky, and Ben like eating the icing more than anything.
Tyler likes decorating but is very fast.
Bens Cookie: Like I wrote before he loves icing.
Sara's darling snowman.
Tyler was done with 3 cookies when everyone else was just starting. They look great!
Nicole was very proud of her candy cane.
It was a fun evening of decorating, laughing, and eating yummy cookies!

3 comments: said...

you are SUPER mom!

Jodi Gallagher said...

I agree you are super mom! You always do such fun things with the kiddos!

Amy said...

You are super aunt!!! I wouldn't have done that with that many kids. Thanks Jill.