Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Tylers Football Birthday Party

On Feb. 20th we had Tyler's birthday party with his friends. This year he wanted a football party. The main thing he wanted to do is just play football, but since his birthday is in Feb. I talked him into playing other games that have to do with football. We started the party with them watching football highlights.
Then it was time to take what they learned and put it to the test. Ty and Steve practice hitting each other. The boys had to throw a football threw a hula hoop, run different routes and have different relays.

They started getting cold, so it was time to get warm by coming inside and eating hot dogs, nachos, drinks, and chips, "Football food."

Then we played hot potato with a football. There were many different rounds and many different winners. The boys could careless about the prizes they just wanted to be the winner.
Then it was time to pin the football on the up rights. Many did well while others didn't make it in.
Finally it was present time. The Lindes got Tyler a flag football kit.
Jonah got Ty this football that everyone had to touch! Girls say oh how cute! These boys were saying Cool!!!

Steve and Trey got Ty Jazz jersey. He was spoiled by all of his presents.
MaKray gave him a cool football, the one the Tyler has been wanting his whole life. After singing happy birthday and having ice cream cones, all the boys wanted to do is go and play football.
So we opened up the flag football kit, and they were all in heaven. There was enough for 2 teams, and lots of fun! Tyler ended up with the birthday he wanted. I should have just listened to him in the first place.
Before it was time to go, the boys had fun trading football cards with each other.

The next day Tyler got a call from his friend Carson who wasn't able to make it to the party inviting him to go to the Jazz game that night with him. Tyler couldn't have dreamed of a better week than this.


mena said...

Mckray LOVED Tylers party. Thanks for inviting him. He had a blast. I am glad that they are friends.
I am sorry that we didn't come to the baptism. I didn't know when it was. I need to be better at finding things like that out. Looks like it was a special day for all of you. said...

what a good mom you are... looks like everyone had a great time!